Darling Stationery & Leaf Designs invite you to their opening night…Tuesday 4th October 6-9pm   Darling Stationery Come along for a complimentary glass of prosecco & cupcakes, while you view our new shop and all our fabulous wedding stationery, you may also be entered into a competition on the night to win £500 worth of…


Multimasking can seem like it’s more effort than it’s worth but actually, it makes a lot of sense… For most of us, our T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) is oilier than our cheeks regardless of our skin type. For this reason, it’s best to use a clay-based mask here which is clarifying and purifying to…

Pink bridesmaids dresses

Pretty Maids in Pink!

Afternoon you lovely lot! Wow, March certainly has come in like a lion this year, we’ve had rain, hail, sunshine and wind today, but we’re feeling good and excited for those pretty spring weddings to happen very soon. One colour that will always be popular, no matter the season, is pink. Whether you’re going for…